Payment Management

Payment Overview

ORX uses TokenEx (opens in a new tab) to tokenize credit card information. This allows ORX to collect sensitive credit card information without having to store it.

To pass the payment information securely to ORX, start by collecting credit card details through a payment initialization. Then, configure your TokenEx iFrame (opens in a new tab) iFrame using the authentication_key and client_id returned from the initialize endpoint. The iFrame will generate a tokenized version of the credit card data. This token, along with the card type (also provided by TokenEx), billing information, and the cardholder's name, can be used in the update payment or create payment endpoints to process the payment securely.

Payment Initialization

Sensitive credit card data is collected using tokenex iFrames, which generate a tokenized version of the card when an order is placed. This tokenized credit card can be used for any future booking requests. In order to generate these iFrames, configuration information must be obtained using the POST /payment/[sessionId]/initiate endpoint.

More information about generating tokenex iFrames can be found in the tokenex docs (opens in a new tab).

Initiate Payment

POST /payment/[sessionId]/initiate

This endpoint is used to obtain configuration credentials required to generate tokenex iFrames.


POST /payment/[sessionId]/initiate
{ "origin": "http://localhost:3000", "token": "411111Z6hasQ1111" }

This payload may include the following fields:

  • origin: The URL of the application embedding the iFrames.

🛎 The origin used will have to be whitelisted in production. Please contact our support team for assistance.

  • token : (optional) The tokenized credit card number. This parameter is included when collecting sensitive information (e.g CVC/CVV) for an already tokenized credit card.


POST /payment/[sessionId]/initiate
  "authentication_key": "fBQRtlK5E1SBWJytXMSex7VeSPvAhI8w3A4vgxPD6FC=",
  "expires_at": "2023-06-23T18:46:27.036794Z",
  "client_id": "828643986532625",
  "timestamp": "20230623182627"

These values are required to create a tokenex iFrame configuration object (opens in a new tab).

  • authentication_key: This key serves as the authenticationKey in the configuration object.
  • client_id: This id serves as the tokenExID in the configuration object.
  • timestamp: This serves as the timestamp in the configuration object.
  • expires_at: Expiry time of the tokenex iFrame. This is not included in the tokenex configuration object.

Possible Errors

Status CodeErrorReason
400[Validation Error]Failed Validation
500NDCx Internal ErrorUnknown
400Unauthorized originThe requested origin has not been whitelisted.

Payment Management

You can create/update a payment for a specific session. This is useful if you want to progressively update the payment information for a session, prior to performing an order.

🧨 The endpoint requires a payment method, including a TokenEx token which has been tokenized CVV/CVC attached to it.

🛎 Currently, only a single payment method can be added to each session. Having multiple forms of payment will be supported in the future.

Update Payment

PUT /payment/[sessionId]/[paymentId?]

Use this endpoint to update the payment information for a specific session. Since having multiple forms of payment is not yet supported, the paymentId is optional. If no paymentId is provided, the payment information will be updated for the session's current payment.

If the session does not yet have a payment, a new payment will be created.


PUT /payment/[sessionId]/[paymentId?]
  "code": "visa",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "token": "401299Hb1tTS9999",
  "expiry": "10/25",
  "billing_information": {
    "unit": "211",
    "country": "CA",
    "state": "ON",
    "address": "529 West Broadway",
    "city": "Toronto",
    "postal_code": "L5W1N6"

The payload needs to be of type payment information.

🛎 You do not need to send the payment information all at once. You can do it in multiple separate calls. You will not receive a validation error if you do not send all the required fields.


The updated properties will be reflected in the response of type payment information.

Possible Errors

Status CodeErrorReason
400[Validation Error]Failed Validation
404Session not found or expiredRequest targeting a non-existent session.

Get Payments

GET /payment/[sessionId]

Retrieves all of the the payment information objects for a specific session.


The response will be an array of payment information objects.

Possible Errors

Status CodeErrorReason
404Payment information not found or expiredThere are no payments attached to the given session.
404Session not found or expiredRequest targeting a non-existent session.

Get a Single Payment

GET /payment/[sessionId]/[paymentId]

Retrieves a specific payment information object for a specific session.


The response will be a payment information object.

Possible Errors

Status CodeErrorReason
404Payment information not found or expiredPayment referenced does not exist.
404Session not found or expiredRequest targeting a non-existent session.

Create Payment

POST /payment/[sessionId]

Use this endpoint to create a payment for a specific session. Since having multiple forms of payment is not yet supported, you could use the update payment endpoint to create and update a singular payment.


PUT /payment/[sessionId]/[paymentId?]
  "code": "visa",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "token": "401299Hb1tTS9999",
  "expiry": "10/25",
  "billing_information": {
    "unit": "211",
    "country": "CA",
    "state": "ON",
    "address": "529 West Broadway",
    "city": "Toronto",
    "postal_code": "L5W1N6"

The payload needs to be of type payment information.

🛎 You do not need to send the payment information all at once. You can do it in multiple separate calls. You will not receive a validation error if you do not send all the required fields.


The response will contain the created payment payment information.

Delete Payment

DELETE /payment/[sessionId]/[paymentId]


If successful, the response will be empty with a status code of 204.